Callback when the button is pressed
Connect the sensor
Disconnect from the sensor
Get LED mode LEDモードの取得
current LED mode 現在のLEDモード
0: off 消灯
1: PM2.5 mode PM2.5モード
2: PM10 mode PM10モード
3: VOC mode VOCモード
4: UV mode UVモード
5: temperature mode 温度モード
6: humidity mode 湿度モード
128: power LED 電源LED
Do extended one shot measurement
one extended shot measurement data 拡張ワンショット計測データ
pm2_5: PM2.5 concentration PM2.5濃度 (25~1000 [ug/m3]),
pm10: PM10 concentration M10濃度 (25~1000 [ug/m3]),
barometricPressure: barometric pressure 気圧 (300.0~1100.0 [hPa]),
temperature: temperature 温度 (-20.0~85.0 [degC]),
humidity: relative humidity 湿度 (0.0~100.0 [%RH]),
lux: illuminance 照度 (0~65534 [lx]),
tvoc: TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) (0~1187 [ppb])
eco2: eCO2 (equivalent CO2) 等価CO2濃度 (400~8190 [ppm])
uv: UV Index (0~11)
Do one shot measurement
one shot measurement data ワンショット計測データ
pm2_5: PM2.5 concentration PM2.5濃度 (25~1000 [ug/m3]),
pm10: PM10 concentration M10濃度 (25~1000 [ug/m3]),
barometricPressure: barometric pressure 気圧 (300~1100 [hPa]),
temperature: temperature 温度 (-20~85 [degC]),
humidity: relative humidity 湿度 (10~70 [%RH]),
lux: illuminance 照度 (0~65535 [lx]),
mode: mode flag モードフラグ (0: 連続計測, 1: 最新計測データ, 3: ワンショット)
Verify that the received peripheral is from the REX_BTPM25V
instance of BleRemotePeripheral BleRemotePeripheralのインスタンス
Whether it is the REX_BTPM25V
Generated using TypeDoc
REX_BTPM25V management class REX_BTPM25Vを管理するクラス