Connect to the device
(not used)
Disconnect from the sensor
Get the remaining battery power of the Toio_CoreCube
remaining battery power バッテリー残量
Range 範囲 0~100 (Unit 単位: 10 %)
Get button state from the Toio_CoreCube
Whether the button is pressed
Get motion detection data from the Toio_CoreCube
motion detection data モーション検出データ
isHorizon: horizontal or not 水平かどうか,
isCollision: detect collision or not 衝突検知したかどうか,
isDoubletap: detect double tap or not ダブルタップ検出したかどうか,
attitude: posture 姿勢
(1: top faces upward 天面が上, 2: bottom faces upward 底面が上, 3: rear side faces upward 背面が上, 4: front side faces upward 正面が上. 5: right side faces upward 右側面が上, 6: left side faces upward 左側面が上)
Get the absolute position and angle of Toio_CoreCube
(For more detail, please see )
(詳細は を参照してください。)
absolute position data 絶対位置データ
posX: X coordinate value of the center of the cube キューブ中心のx座標 (Position ID),
posY: Y coordinate value of the center of the cube キューブ中心のY座標 (Position ID),
angle: angle value of the center of the cube キューブの角度 (Range 範囲: 0~360 deg),
posSensorX: X coordinate value of the identification sensor 読み取りセンサーのX座標 (Position ID),
posSensorY: Y coordinate value of the identification sensor 読み取りセンサーのY座標 (Position ID),
posSensorAngle: angle value of the identification sensor 読み取りセンサーの角度 (Range 範囲: 0~360 deg)
Turn the wheel to move the Toio_CoreCube
left wheel power 左側のタイヤ出力 (Range 範囲: -255~255)
a positive value rotates forward, a negative value rotates backward
right wheel power 左側のタイヤ出力 (Range 範囲: -255~255)
a positive value rotates forward, a negative value rotates backward
Directs the Toio_CoreCube to the specified Position ID
(For more detail, please see )
Toio_CoreCubeを指定したPosition IDへ移動
timeout タイムアウト (Unit 単位: 1 sec)
method of movement 移動タイプ
(0: move while rotating 回転しながら移動, 1: move while rotating without moving backwards 後退せず回転しながら移動, 2: move after rotating 回転してから移動)
maximum motor speed モーターの最大速度 (Range 範囲 10~255)
speed change type 速度変化タイプ
(0: constant 速度一定, 1: gradual acceleration 徐々に加速, 2: gradual deceleration 徐々に減速, 3: accelerate to the midpoint and decelerate to the target point 中間地点まで加速し目標地点まで減速)
target point X coordinates 目標地点のX座標 (Position ID)
Range 範囲: 0~65535 (65535: same as for write operation 書き込み操作時と同じ)
target point Y coordinates 目標地点のY座標 (Position ID)
Range 範囲: 0~65535 (65535: same as for write operation 書き込み操作時と同じ)
angle of the cube at the target point 目標地点でのキューブの角度
Verify that the received peripheral is from the Toio_CoreCube
instance of BleRemotePeripheral BleRemotePeripheralのインスタンス
Whether it is the Toio_CoreCube
Generated using TypeDoc
Toio_CoreCube management class Toio_CoreCubeを管理するクラス