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Interface BlePairingOptions

Pairing options


  • SmpEncryptOptions
    • BlePairingOptions



Optional keys

keys: undefined | string

Use pairing keys

// Javascript Example

const keys = "xxxxx";
await obniz.ble.initWait({});
obniz.ble.scan.onfind = function(peripheral){
  if(peripheral.localName == "my peripheral"){
    await peripheral.connectWait({keys});// pairing with stored keys.
await obniz.ble.scan.startWait();

Optional onPairedCallback

onPairedCallback: undefined | ((keys: string) => void)

Callback function that call on pairing passkey required.

Optional onPairingFailed

onPairingFailed: undefined | ((e: Error) => void)

Callback function that call on pairing failed internal. Some pairing error may caused internally when peripheral request regardless central side request.

Optional passkeyCallback

passkeyCallback: undefined | (() => Promise<number>)

Callback function that call on pairing passkey required.

// Javascript Example

const keys = "xxxxx";
await obniz.ble.initWait({});
obniz.ble.scan.onfind = function(peripheral){
  if(peripheral.localName == "my peripheral"){
    await peripheral.connectWait({ passkeyCallback: async () => {
     return 123456;
await obniz.ble.scan.startWait();

Optional secureConnection

secureConnection: undefined | false | true

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