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W5500 config W5500の設定内容


  • Config



Optional fdm

fdm: undefined | false | true

Uses fixed data length (maximum 4 bytes) communication, automatically turned on when CS pin is not specified


Optional forceArp

forceArp: undefined | false | true

Always send an ARP request when sending data


Optional forceNoCheckWrite

forceNoCheckWrite: undefined | false | true

Do not always check transfer when writing 常に書き込み時に転送チェックを行わない


gatewayIP: string

IPv4 address of default gateway デフォルトゲートウェイのIPv4アドレス

Optional linkControlProtocolMagicNumber

linkControlProtocolMagicNumber: undefined | number

1 byte of the 4 bytes magic number of the Link Control protocol echo request


Optional linkControlProtocolRequestTimer

linkControlProtocolRequestTimer: undefined | number

Time to send echo request for Link Control Protocol



localIP: string

Local IPv4 address ローカルIPv4アドレス


macAddress: string

MAC address MACアドレス

Optional onAllInterrupt

onAllInterrupt: undefined | ((ethernet: W5500, name: W5500Parts.Interrupt, extra?: W5500Parts.DestInfo) => Promise<void>)

Event handler for all interrupts

Optional onDestUnreachInterrupt

onDestUnreachInterrupt: undefined | ((ethernet: W5500, extra?: W5500Parts.DestInfo) => Promise<void>)

Event handler for interrupt "DestUnreach" 割り込み「DestUnreach」のイベントハンドラー

Optional onIPConflictInterrupt

onIPConflictInterrupt: undefined | ((ethernet: W5500) => Promise<void>)

Event handler for interrupt "IPConflict" 割り込み「IPConflict」のイベントハンドラー

Optional onMagicPacketInterrupt

onMagicPacketInterrupt: undefined | ((ethernet: W5500) => Promise<void>)

Event handler for interrupt "MagicPacket" 割り込み「MagicPacket」のイベントハンドラー

Optional onPPPoECloseInterrupt

onPPPoECloseInterrupt: undefined | ((ethernet: W5500) => Promise<void>)

Event handler for interrupt "PPPoEClose" 割り込み「PPPoEClose」のイベントハンドラー

Optional phyConfig

Physical layer settings 物理層の設定

Optional pingBlock

pingBlock: undefined | false | true

Do not respond to ping pingを応答しない

Optional pppoe

pppoe: undefined | false | true

Use PPPoE PPPoEを使用する

Optional pppoeDestMACAddress

pppoeDestMACAddress: undefined | string

MAC address of PPPoE server PPPoEサーバーのMACアドレス

Optional pppoeMaxSegmentSize

pppoeMaxSegmentSize: undefined | number

Maximum receiving unit size of PPPoE PPPoEの最大受信ユニットサイズ

Optional pppoeSessionID

pppoeSessionID: undefined | number

Session ID of PPPoE Server PPPoEサーバーのセッションID

Optional retryCount

retryCount: undefined | number

Retry count 再試行回数

Optional retryTime

retryTime: undefined | number

Retry interval 再試行間隔


subnetMask: string

Subnet mask サブネットマスク

Optional wol

wol: undefined | false | true

Wait for Wake on LAN WakeOnLANを待ち受ける

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